List all Objects in R

All entities in R are called objects. They can be arrays, numbers, strings, functions. In this tutorial we look at how to list all objects in R. Get a list of all objects function name : objects() or ls() the objects() or ls() function can be used to get a vector of character strings of … Read more

XStream – Referencing Objects

XStream allows you to store references while converting a java object to XML. Consider a case where you have an Artist Object. The object contains albums that the artist has released, but you also want to store a reference to a ‘similar artist’. People listening to an artist might be interested in listening to a … Read more

Java IO – Read and Write Java Objects

Introduction ObjectInputStream can be used to de-serialize and read java objects that have been serialized and written using ObjectOutputStream. In the example below the ‘Course’ object is written to a persistent storage. The Course object contains a list of Student objects. The object writing preserves object references. We first create an object output stream that … Read more

Understand CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training) — Visual Models from NLP

CLIP introduces a model that enables zero shot learning for a new dataset (in addition to a new example) by using NLP to supervise pre-training. i.e., To identify an object, you can provide the name or description of a new object that the model has not seen before. Traditionally a computer vision model was trained … Read more

Amazon S3 encryption

Encryption allows you to store objects in such a way that only an entity that has the encryption key, or access to the encryption key can access that object. S3 Encryption types There are five ways in which you can encrypt objects that you write to S3. S3 Server Side Encryption using Amazon S3 Managed … Read more

Amazon S3 access control and permissions

There are three ways to control access to s3 bucket and its objects Using bucket policies. Using bucket Access Control Lists (ACL) Using User policies ACL is used only in cases where Objects are not owned by the bucket owner. I.e. objects are uploaded by another account and the bucket owner does not own these … Read more

Amazon S3 pricing

In this blog we will talk about S3 pricing. Important points to consider are: Pricing is based on region. In this blog we will look at pricing for Sydney region. Pricing varies based on storage used. The more storage you use, the lesser is the price per GB. Here’s the storage cost for 1000G in … Read more

Kubernetes Kustomize for Multiple Environments

In the previous article we saw an introduction to the Kubernetes kustomize tool and how it can be used to configure YAML file used for deploying applications to Kubernetes. In this article we will look at how to use Kubernetes Kustomize for multiple environments. In a production setting , you might have multiple environments and … Read more

Java 9 project coin language changes

The Java 9 project coin language changes include diamond with anonymous classes, private methods in interfaces, removing ‘_’ as a single character identifier, @SafeVargs on private instance methods and effectively final variables as resources in try-wth-resources statement. 1. Diamond with anonymous classes Prior to Java 1.6, constructors did not have inferred type inference. This code … Read more

Spring Beanfactory and ApplicationContext

Spring BeanFactory and ApplicationContext are interfaces responsible for configuring a Spring application. BeanFactory is the main interface for accessing the spring container and acts as a central registry of all components. BeanFactory along with its subinterfaces are also responsible for implementing dependency injection. An ApplicationContext extends the functionality of a BeanFactory and provides additional methods. … Read more