JodaTime Miscellaneous


This article covers miscellaneous How-Tos for Joda-Time.

  1. Convert 2 Digit Year To 4 Digit Year Using Pivot Year
  2. Get List Of Default Time Zones
  3. Verify Whether A Partial DateTime Is Contiguous

Convert 2 Digit Year To 4 Digit Year Using Pivot Year

In Joda-Time, it is possible to convert 2 digit year to 4 digit year using the concept of ‘Pivot Year’.

The Pivot year defines the range of supported years using the following formula:

range = (pivot year – 50) to (pivot year + 49)

Hence if the pivot year is 1975, the supported range is 1925 to 2024.

To convert from 2 digit year to 4 digit year, the appropriate digits are prefixed to the 2 digit year from the supported range based on the pivot year.

e.g. If the pivot year is 1975, then

2 digit year Corresponding 4 digit year
00 2000
20 2020
40 1940
60 1960
80 1980

Get List Of Default Time Zones

for fetching a list of default time zones.

Verify Whether A Partial DateTime Is Contiguous

A date can be defined as a partial. See
for further details.

The fields defined in a Partial DateTime can be contiguous (i.e. adjacent to each other) or non-contiguous (i.e. not adjacent to each other).

e.g. The fields year and month are contiguous. However the fields year and hour are not contiguous.

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